February 17, 2023

What is Tennis Elbow?

What is Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is a common condition effecting the lateral or outside of the elbow. The elbow joint is made by the upper arm bone (humerus) and two bones of the forearm ulna and radius. The boney bump on the outside of the elbow is called the lateral epicondyle. Tennis Elbow occurs when the tendons of the forearm which extend to the wrist become irritated and inflamed at the site of the lateral epicondyle due to overuse.

What are the risk factors?

Participation in sports or activities that require repeated forceful gripping commonly found with racket tennis or racquetball. Occupations including carpentry, plumbing or painters due to repetitive wrist and forearm use. An incorrect grip or improperly sized grip can also increase the risk of injury. Although it can occur at any age, most people who experience tennis elbow are between 30-50 years old.

What are the symptoms?

• Gradual onset of pain over weeks or months

• Pain and tenderness to the touch on the outside of the elbow

• Pain or weakness when gripping or twisting open objects

• Pain or weakness when gripping household items including a cup of coffee or carton of milk.

What are the treatment options?

• Rest

• Avoiding offending activities

• Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories during the acute phase

• Using a brace over the forearm to minimize the stress on the inflamed tendons

• Exercise rehabilitation that focuses on regaining normal range of motion and strength

• Active Release Technique

• Graston

Exercise programming and prevention strategies?

It is important to include an exercise protocol that focuses on regaining strength and flexibility. Also, strengthening the muscles of shoulders and upper back to reduce stress placed on the elbow. These should be performed on a regular basis for a minimum of 6 weeks. Light soft tissue massage with a tennis ball can be helpful to restore muscular imbalances. Maintaining good posture during everyday activities will also help prevent the development of muscular imbalance. Discuss these options with your health care professional to determine which would be the best treatment approach for you.

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