June 24, 2024

What is a Cervical Radiculopathy?

What is a Cervical Radiculopathy?

The cervical spine consists of 7 moveable vertebrae numbered C1-C7. A cervical radiculopathy occurs when there is irritation, compression or damage to one or more of the nerve roots in your neck. The nerve roots are numbered C1-C8 based on the specific vertebrae they are associated with and are on both right and left side. The nerves exit small holes call foramen and then go on to supply the function to the shoulder, arms and hands.

What are the causes?

One or several of the nerve roots can be injured in an accident or can become irritated gradually over time due to degenerative arthritis. A cervical disc bulge or herniation can also cause compression on the nerve. When this happens the nerves exiting the foramen become impinged causing pain or other symptoms.

What are the symptoms?

Depending on the severity symptoms may include arm pain, tingling, and/or numbness. The location of these sensations may vary depending on what nerve roots are affected.

What are the treatment options?

• Physical rehabilitation to strengthen neck and postural muscles
• Cervical mobilization or manipulation techniques may provide pain relief
• Manual or mechanical cervical traction
• Ice or anti-inflammatories can relieve pain and reduce inflammation
• In severe cases a cortisone injection may be recommended

Exercise Programming and Prevention strategies

It is important to include an exercise protocol that focuses on regaining strength and flexibility with specific postural retraining exercises. As for all exercise protocols, it is important to conduct the exercises on a regular basis for a minimum of 6-8 weeks. Discuss these options with your health care professional to determine which would be the best treatment approach for you.

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